Pupil Premium
Is my child entitled to Pupil Premium Funding?
Your child will be entitled to Pupil Premium Funding if they are entitled to free school meals. As the Government now enables all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils to a free school meal it is important that you notify us at school if your child is entitled to claim free school meals. Without you informing us we have no way of claiming this funding. The process will be confidential and the money will help to improve your child’s learning journey. It can help with trips and visits as well as providing additional support and encouragement for your child.
In addition, Pupil Premium Funding is available for any child who is adopted from care and also any child who is looked after/cared for. Please inform us if your child falls in to one of these categories as this funding helps us to make a difference to their time with us at Astbury.
Pupil Premium funding is also available for a child who has a parent in the armed forces. Service personnel should notify school of their children’s service status.